This is a picture of the William H. Brickey family taken around 1905-1906 in Scott County, VA. I believe the back row standing from left to right are the children (and spouses) of William Brickey and his wife Nan Stone Brickey: Laura Brickey Flannery and her husband Charles Flannery, Orb Stacy and his wife Clara Brickey Stacy, James, Charlie and Pat Brickey (but not sure what order). I believe the three children on the left are John (sitting), Sarah and Mollie Brickey. These are all the children (and two spouses) of William H. Brickey and Nan Stone Brickey.
I have a separate picture of just the two little girls Molly and Millie.
I am not sure who the woman sitting between the two little girls is. Millie Stacy (Ford) is labeled. She is the daughter of Orb and Clara Stacy. I believe the woman sitting holding a baby is Nan Stone Brickey. I believe the man sitting holding a baby is William Henry Brickey. One of the babies is probably William Stacy, son of Orb and Clara. I am not sure who the other baby is, who the young boy standing is, or who the old man on the far right is.
William H. Brickey (abt 1862- 1942) is the son of Patterson Brickey and Nancy Duncan. Patterson Brickey died in 1862 in the Civil War. Nancy remarries to Bluford Southers.
Nan Stone Brickey (abt 1863- 1942) is the daughter of John Stone and Amanda Horton. William Brickey is in the 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 Scott Co., VA census.
Orb Stacy and Clara Brickey are in the 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930 Scott Co., VA census.
The labeled girl, Millie Stacy Ford (abt 1901 - 1945) , is my husband’s great grandmother. Any help identifying the people in the picture is appreciated!
This picture is also posted on the Scott County Virginia, Faces and Places website.