Sevier County Deed Book H: 107-109 (excerpt)
"This indenture made and executed this 17th day of September 1846 by and between Tunis Scott and his wife Asenith Scott (lately Asenith Moon late widow of William Moon deceased) of the first part and Stewart O. Dickey Trustee of the second part and Pinkney H. Toomey of the third part all of the County of Sevier and State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that the said Tunis Scott and his wife Asenith aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand to us paid by the said Stewart O. Dickey Trustee the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath given granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Dickey Trustee as aforesaid his heirs and assign the following undivided dower in the land of William Moon deceased which the said Tunis Scott by his wife Asenith Scott (late widow of the said William Moon deceased) are possessed of in the following lands to wit -"Asenith Moon was the widow of William Moon (abt 1800-abt 1846) and the mother of William Mitchell Moon (1826 - 1893) of Sevier County, TN.