Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Moon sisters

Ruby and Thelma Moon
daughters of Walter Moon and Lillie Leatherwood

Ruby Moon was born April 13, 1911 and died May 28, 2001.
Thelma Moon was born February 8, 1920 and died January 24, 2005

The Moon brothers in the 1940s

Jay, Ray, Toy, Roy, Lester, and Theodore Moon

The sons of Walter Moon and Lillie Leatherwood
1940s Knoxville, TN

Theodore Moon - born September 14, 1909 - died October 1,1990
Lester Moon - born April 1, 1913 - died June 2, 1997
Roy Moon - born March 7, 1922 - died August 12, 2000
Toy Moon - born March 7, 1922 - died July 30, 2007
Jay Moon - born January 6, 1925 - died January 26, 1986
Ray Moon 

Walter Moon and Lillie Leatherwood

Walter Moon and Lillie Leatherwood were married November 29, 1908 in Sevier County, TN.  They divorced after 1930.

Walter Moon (1885-1958)  is the son of John Moon and Dialtha Shrader.
Lillie Leatherwood (1887-1956) is the daughter of John Leatherwood and Catherine Trotter.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Petition Sundry Inhabitants South of French Broad River 1789

In 1789, William Moon (1744-1822) and his son Jesse signed their names to a "Petition Sundry Inhabitants South of French Broad River".


A good description of this area is given on the TNGenWeb Project Surveyors' Districts

In 1807/08 William was given land grant No 268 by the State of Tennessee, Sevier County, for 385 acres of land in the district South of the French Broad and Holston. (Sevier County Land Grants, Book 1-1, page 236)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Heirs of Mitchel Moon quit claim deed

Mitchell Moon heirs, Sevier County, TN, Deeds

Received for registration Dec 16, 1896 at 8 o'clock a.m. and registered the same day. Sam M. Williams Register

State of Tenn., Sevier County,  Know all men by these presence that we John Moon, Violet Lindsay of the state of MO, Ira Cattlett and wife Nancy Cattlett, Elijah Cattlett and wife Elzie Cattlett, J.R. Parrott and
wife Eliza A. Parrott, Houston Flinn and wife Martha E. Flinn, Wm.Sims and wife Mary Sims, and James Moon all of whom are body heirsof Mitchel Moon decsd or married into his family do this day quit claim transfer and convey unto Wm. C. Moon his heirs and assigns forever the following described tracts or parcels of land lying in the 15th civilDist. of Sevier County, Tenn., on the waters of Flat Creek and being lot 3 in the division of the said Mitchel Moon farm, and was drawn by the said Wm. C Moon and is bounded as follows:  Beginning at a stake in said creek and comes to lot 2 thence down said creek with its meanderings N 36 W 43 to a stake in same, thence N 9 W 8 poles to a stake in same, thence N 47 W 12 poles to a stake in same thence N 43 W 3 poles to a stake in same, thence S 67 1/8 W 623 poles to a stake thence N 87 W 11 poles to a beech thence N 53 1/2 W 203 poles to a stake on the old line, thence S 36 W 14 poles to a rock, S 60 W 80 poles to a stake on lot 2 thence N 77 E 63 poles to a sweet gum, thence S 76 E 13 1/2 poles to a stake thence N 75 E 21 poles to a stake thence N 61 E 12 poles to a beech, thence N 86 E 9 poles to a stake thence N 69 E 17 poles to a stake thence S 52 1/2 E 14 poles to a stake thence N 66 E 50 1/4 poles to the beginning containing by estimation 34 acres more or less.  To have and to hold the same to the said Wm. C. Moon his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever excepting the following products off of said land annually   : 8 bar. of corn, 2 bar. of wheat, $1.00 in money which goes to help support Mahala Moon widow of said Mitchel Moon Dcsd. during her natural life.  A wagon road shall be kept open down Sugar Camp hollow and on down to the ford of the creek for the benefit of the holders of hares on west side of the creek there shall be a wagon road from the ford to lot 4, the fence between lot 3 & 4 which is near or about the line shall be a partnership fence.  This March 35th, 1896
M. E. Sims (her mark)                         
Elzie Cattlet (her mark)
L. A. Parrott ( her mark)
N. M. Cattlett ( her mark)
M E. Flinn (her mark)

J.C. Catlett
W.J.B. Sims
Elijah Catlett
J. R. Parrott
J. T. Moon
J.C. Moon
J.C. Moon, Atty

Mary E. Moon Simms, daughter of Mitchel and Mahala Moon

Sevier County Public Library - brides and grooms index
SIMS, W. J. B.      MOON, M. E.      01/31/1891

Mary Moon is the daughter of William Mitchel Moon and Mahala Patterson Moon. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

William Moon 1744-1822

William Moon 1744-1822 Genforum posting

Residency of William Moon 1744-1822 Genforum posting

These are excellent postings by Ronny Bodine on Genforum from several years ago.   The letter he refers to is part of the Sharp Collection, Moon Folder at the McClung Library in Knoxville,TN.

Moon Family Pioneers newspaper article

This article was sent to me by fellow researcher Benton Fletcher.

Will of Jesse Moon 1805 Sevier County TN

State of Tennesee
Sevier County
Declared verbally by him the said Jesse Moon deceased on the fourteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five, the same day of his decease) that it was hi will that all just debts and demands ... him should be paid out of his estate.  Then the remaining part of his whole estate should be equally divided between his wife Elizabeth Moon and William Henderson her son...his wife Elizabeth moon to have one half and William Henderson her son to have the other half of his estate and at the decease of the said Elizabeth Moon then the said William have all the estate both moveable ....noncupative will of Jesse Moon deceased pronounced by him the the presence of each of us the subscribing witnesses on the morning previous to his decease at which time he was in his full mind and memory.  September Seventeenth one thousand eight hundred and five.  Signed Wm. Moon, James Cannon, John...., and Job Maning

This day came William Moon, james Cannon, John .. and Job Manning before me, Benjamin of the Justices of the Peace for said county and made oath that the above....of the noncupative will of Jesse Moon deceased is just and true as above stated sworn to and subscribed to this seventeenth day of September...

Amy's note: This will is on microfilm and a part of the Sharp Collection, Moon folder in the McClung llibrary in Knoxville, TN.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

William M Moon 1852 document

State of Tennessee, Sevier County
Know all men by these presence that I Wm. M. Moon have this day remised and quit claim and by these presents doth remise and quit claim unto the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns forever to a certain tract or parcel of lands it being my undivided interest in the tract or parcel of land belonging to the heirs of William Moon deceased with the appertenences thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining situate lying and being in the county of Sevier, state of Tennessee containing three hundred fifteen acres & one half be the same more or less adjoining the of S. O. Dickey the heirs of James Henderson & others to have and to hold the same to the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns forever for the consideration of three hundred dollars to same in hand paid, I being a lawful heir of Wm Moon deceased and have a right to convey said share of land.  I do covenant with the said Jesse Stafford that I am lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered.  I do further covenant and bind myself my heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the title to the said land and every part thereof to the said Jesse Stafford his heirs & assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever.
Given under my hand & seal this 2nd day of February 1852, signed sealed in the presence of us
Test.  Tunis Scott                            William M. Moon 
Wilson Burchfiel 

Amy's Note:  William M. (Mitchel) Moon is the son of William and Asenith Moon.  This record is on microfilm at the McClung Library in Knoxville, TN.  It may also be available in the Sevier County Public Library's Genealogy Department.  It is listed in the Deed Records Index available at the Sevier County Genealogy and History website:

Mary Moon document 1852

State of Tennessee, Sevier County
This Indenture made this 14th day of January 1852 by and between Mary Moon of the county of Sevier and Jesse Stafford of Sevier County and both of the state of Tennessee witnesseth that the said Mary Moon for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and twenty five dollars to her in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowleged hath quit claimed and by these presence doth remise and quit claim unto the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns forever her undivided interest in all the lands belonging to the Estate of William Moon Deceased containing three hundred fifteen and one half acres be the same more or less.  The same lying and being in the Big East fork of Little Pigeon River adjoining the lands of R. N. Henderson and others which said lands the said William Moon Deceased died seized and possessed of.  Now know all men by these presence that I the said Mary Moon being one of the heirs of law of the said William Moon Deceased and of lawful age have this day bargained and sold unto the said Jesse Stafford all the Right Title Interest claim and demand whatever that I have as an heir at law to said lands aforesaid.  I do covenant with the said Jesse Stafford that I am lawfully seized of said land as an heir at law have a good Right to convey them and the same is unencumbered.  I do further bind myself my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said lands and every part and parcel thereof to the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns against the lawful claim or claims of all persons whatever either in law or equity.  This the 14th day of January 1852 signed sealed and  delivered in our presence this 14th day of January 1852.
John Howard                    Mary Moon
Tunis Scott

State of Tennessee, Sevier county
Personally appeared before me P. N. Toomy clerk of the county court of said county John Howard and Tunis Scott subscribing witnesses in the foregoing deed who after being first duly sworn depose and said that they are acquainted with Mary Moon the Bargainer and that they heard her acknowledge that she executed the same for the purposes therein contained on the day it bears date, witness my hand at office 2nd day of February, 1852.     P. N. Toomy, clk

Rec'd the foregoing deed into office for Registration 2nd day of February, 1852 at 10 o'clock 33 min P.M.
Registered this 27th March 1852            Jas. McNelly RSC

Amy's Note:  Mary Moon is the daughter of William and Asenith Moon.  After William's death, Asenith married Tunis Scott.  After Asenith's death, Tunis Scott married Susannah Moon, Asenith's daughter.  Mary Moon had several children without a husband.  Many presume these children were fathered by Tunis Scott.

Susannah Moon 1851 document

State of Tennessee, Sevier county
This Indenture made this the 5th day of Nov 1851 By and between Susannah Moon of the one part and Jesse Stafford of the other both of the county of Sevier and State of Tennessee. Witness that the said Susannah Moon for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and twenty five dollars to her in hand paid the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged both quit claims and by these presents doth remain and quit claim unto the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns for ever her undivided interest in and to all the lands belonging to the said William Moon Deceased.  It being her distribution share in two hundred seventy and one half acres of land more or less formerly belonging to William Moon deceased adjoining the lands of James Henderson deceased Robert N. Henderson and others which said land or distribution share I am a lawful heir at law of William Moon deceased.  Now know all men by  these presents that I have this day bargained and sold unto the said Jesse Stafford all right title interest claim and demand whatever that I have in said lands as an heir at law of William Moon deceased.  I do covenant with the said Jesse Stafford that I am lawfully seized of said land and have a good right to convey it and the same is unencumbered. I do further bind myself my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said lands and every part and parcel
thereof to the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns to the above remised premises and every part and parcel thereof to the said property are and behalf of him the said Jesse Stafford his heirs and assigns
forever.  In testimony whereof the said Susannah Moon has here unto set her hand and sealed this the day and date above written.
                    Susannah Moon 
signed sealed and delivered in the presents of us this the 5th day of
Nov 1851
Tunis Scott
John Howard
Jno. S. McNutt

Amy's note:  Susannah Moon is the daughter of William and Asenith Moon.  She later marries Tunis Scott (her stepfather, after her mother dies).

1852 Jesse Stafford guardian heirs of Wm. Moon

Tuesday 30th March 1852

Jesse Stafford Guardian or/and Wm. Miles alias Wm. Mize Exparte
Petition to sell land for distribution - Decree final.

This cause coming on to be finally heard and determined on this
thirtyeth day of March 1852 before the Hon. Robt. M. Anderson
Judge do upon the petition deposition interlocutory decrees and
reports of the clerk and master which said reports being unexcepted
to  (?)  in all things confirmed and if appearing to the satisfaction
of the Hon. court that the clerk of this court in obedience to a
decretal(?)  order of this Hon Court pronounced at the last
November term thereof.  After having given notice as required by
said decretal order  proceeded to sell the undivided interest of
the minor heirs of Wm. Moon decd. mentioned in said petition in
said land to the highest bidder upon a credit of twelve months
taking note and security for the payment of the purchase money
and that upon said sale Emanuel Fox became the purchaser of said
undivided interests in said land or lands he being the highest best
and last bidder for the sum of two thousand five hundred and five
dollars it being five hundred and one dollars per share for the five
undivided interests exposed to sale and it further appearing to the
satisfaction of the Honorable court that the said Emanuel Fox has
sold assigned and transferred his bid for said land to Jessee
Stafford which said assignment is in the words and figures
following to wit:

Whereas I have become the purchaser of the undivided interest of
the minor heirs of Wm. Moon deceased of in and to a certain tract
or tracts after and sold by the clerk of the circuit court of Sevier
county in obedience to a decretal order of said court with the
interest of William Miles or Mize and wife and having sold any
interest under said clerks sale to Jessee Stafford I do hereby assign
for a valuable consideration all my interest in said land to the said
Stafford which has or may arise under and by virtue of said sale
and purchase aforesaid and request that the said Stafford be
substituted as purchaser and that title to the same be decreed to him.
(?) my hand and seal this 29th March 1852
Test.(?) P. P. Porter
Samuel Chance                  Emanuel Fox                  < Seal >

The court is therefore pleased to order adjudge and decree that the
clerk of this court deliver up to the said Emanuel Fox his (?) said
fox's note; upon the said Stafford executing his note with good and
sufficient security for the time and faithful payment of the purchase
money.  The court also further decrees that all the right title interest
and claim of the said Wm. Miles alias Wm. Mize and his wife
Didemia formerly Didemia Moon, John Moon, Malissa Moon,
James Moon and Elizabeth Moon of in and to said tract or tracts
pieces or parcels of land be and the same is hereby divested out of
them and the same is hereby vested in the said Jesse Stafford his
heirs and assignees forever but a lien is hereby retained upon said
land until the purchase money is well and truly paid.  The court
also further decrees that the clerk collect said note when due pay
the costs of this suit including attorney's fees and of the same and
pay the remainder over to the guardian or guardians of said minors
taking his or their receipt or receipts for the same.

The court further decrees that said Wm. Miles alias Wm. Mize may
receive and receipt for his wife's the said Didemia's distributure(?)
share of said money he having attained his majority and that the
clerk make a deed to the said Jesse Stafford for said undivided
interest of said heir in said land upon his (?) said Stafford
furnishing the courses(?) and distances of the same.  The court also
decrees that the clerk shall take evidence and report to the present
term of this court what would be a reasonable fee for the attorneys
services in this court.

Amy's comments:  This document shows the minor heirs of William Moon:  Didemia (Ludema) Mise/Mize, John Moon, Malissa Moon, James Moon and Elizabeth Moon.  Other documents show William Moon's heirs who were older: William Mitchel Moon, Susannah Moon and Mary Moon.  Jesse Stafford is noted as guardian.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wm M. Neal and Eliza Goswick marriage record

Wm. M. Neal is the brother to James W. Neal, my great grandfather.  His marriage record is online in the GA's Virtual Vault.  Dawson county marriages, 1858 - 1883. William Neal married Eliza Goswick in Dawson county GA on September 11 of 1879.

William M Neal is listed in the following censuses:
1860 Dawson county GA - with his father Daniel
1870 Dawson county GA - with his father Daniel
1880 Dawson county GA - with his wife listed as Mary?
1900 Forsyth county GA - with wife Lizzie and son John
1910 Forsyth county GA - with his son John, daughter-in-law and granddaughter
1920 Forsyth county GA - with his son John, daughter-in-law and grandchildren

He died in Grayson county, TX in 1927.  His cemetery record is online on Texas Genweb.  He is buried in West Hill cemetery.
His son John Neal is in the 1930 Grayson county TX census.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Candy Neal and Samuel Turner marriage license in GA's Virtual Vault

The marriage license of Candy Neal and Samuel Turner from GA's online Virtual Vault.  Candy Neal is the daughter of Daniel Neal.  I believe Daniel Neal is my great great grandfather.
Dawson County marriage records, 1883-1894

Daniel Neal, Dawson County, GA militia roll 1864 in GA's Virtual Vault

Militia enrollment lists from 1864 are available at GA's Virtual Vault.  Daniel Neal is on line 40.  He is listed as a farmer, age 47, born in SC.  It says he is a Minister of the Gospel and he owns a rifle in good condition.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Snyder County [Pennsylvania] Pioneers By Charles A. Fisher

Snyder County [Pennsylvania] Pioneers

 By Charles A. Fisher

This book is online in Google Books.  Searching for "Moon", I found on page 63:  Casper Moon, SR, Casper Moon, JR., James Moon, John Moon, Nathaniel Moon, Thomas Moon,  and William Moon.

Snyder county was formed in 1855 from parts on Union county.  Union county was formed in 1813 from parts of Northumberland county.  Northumberland was formed in 1772. 

I believe my husband's ancestor William Moon went to Tennessee by 1788 and likely came from Northumberland County, PA.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Marriage of James Neal and Malinda Fouts in Dawson County, GA

Dawson Co GA marriage records April 1884 for James Neal and Malinda Fouts

ID: 864
HUSBAND  Neal, James
WIFE  Fouts, Malinda
DATE  4/6/1884
PAGE  50

These are my great grandparents.

This is also available in GA's Virtual Vault in the Dawson County Marriage Book 1883-1894

Headstone of J F Haynes, Third Creek Cemeter, Knox County, TN

J F Haynes
J F Haynes
born 08 Dec 1849
died 20 Dec 1900
Married Sarah Elizabeth Matlock Haynes
September 10, 1873 in Knox County, TN

Third Creek Cemetery, Knox County, TN

They had 11 children.  J F and SE Haynes are my husband's g-g-g-grandparents.

Death certificate for Lee Haynes

A. Lee Haynes
date of death September 24, 1946
place of death:  county Knox
married, age 68 years, 11 months, 3 days
date of birth  21 October 1877
husband of Susie Haynes
veteran Spanish American War
occupation farmer
father Flem Haynes
mother Matlock

Alfred Haynes is the brother of Mattie Haynes who married Samuel Ross Tillery.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obituary of Bessie Mae Tillery King

Obituary of Bessie Mae Tillery King.
Bessie Tillery was born Aug 20, 1903 in Tennessee.  She died July 27, 1957 in Grand Island, Nebraska.
She is buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery in Knoxville, TN.
She was married to Eulis Delmont King.

Obituary of Samuel Ross Tillery

Samuel Ross Tillery was born July 13, 1880 and died July 2, 1958.  He married first Mattie Haynes and they had one child, Bessie Mae Tillery. He married second Emma Boone and had five more children.
Bessie Tillery King's obituary lists four sisters and 1 brother.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Margaret Ellen Shrader 1848-1926 and her son, Asa Lavata Van

I found this picture posted on the photo website Picasa in 2010 and the website has since been discontinued.  The photos were linked to the original owner, however the links no longer work.  The photo was labeled "Margaret Ellen Shrader 1848-1926 and her son, Asa Lavata Van ,  Margaret is the daughter of George Washington Shrader b-1816 and Mary Ferguson, & the sister of Andrew Edward Shrader b-1864."  I believe this Margaret is a sister to Dialtha Shrader Moon.

Andrew Edward Shrader 1864-? & Rebecca Narissus Elder 1866-1959

Here is another picture I found on the photo website Picasa in 2010.  The photo was linked to the original owner, however the website has been discontinued and the link no longer works.  The photo was labeled by the owner as

Andrew Edward Shrader 1864-? & Rebecca Narissus Elder 1866-1959, Andrew is the son of George W. Shrader 1816-? & Mary Ferguson and G/S of Christian (Christopher) Shrader 1775-1843 & Mary Webb 1788-1871).

I believe Andrew Shrader is the brother of Dialtha Shrader Moon.

Margaret Shrader 1834-1906

I found these great pictures on a website called Picasa in 2010 which has since been discontinued.  The photos were linked to the original owner, but the links no longer work. This picture was labeled

"Margaret Shrader 1834-1906 Married John Calvin Fox 1828-1863 Margaret is the daughter of Christian (Christopher) Michael Shrader 1775-1843 & Catherine Armbrister 1781-181"

I do not know if the information is correct.   My husband's great great grandmother is Dialtha Shrader Moon, daughter of George Washington Shrader and Mary Ferguson.  I think the Margaret Shrader pictured here is Dialtha's aunt.  Here is another site I found with the same photo also labeled as Margaret Shrader:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarah Moon Thurman

On I found a memorial headstone for John and Nancy Thurman, and Barnabas and Sarah Moon Thurman in the Stafford Cemetery in Sevier County, TN. 
See the photo here:

The note below the picture said that Sarah Moon is believed to be the daughter of John Moon of Sevier County.
John Moon is one of my husband's ancestors, though I did not know that Sarah was his daughter.  Some searching turned up some other interesting information about Sarah.

Sarah's daughter Elizabeth Thurman married Jesse Stafford about 1837 in Sevier County.  When Barnabas and Sarah died, Jesse Stafford became guardian of his wife's minor siblings and helped settle the estate of his in-laws.

This information seemed important because when John Moon's son William died, Jesse Stafford became guardian of his minor heirs and helped to settle his estate also.  Perhaps this indicates a family relationship of sister and brother between Sarah and William if Jesse Stafford was related to them both.

Some emails sent to Thurman/Stafford researchers turned up no definite proof of a connection, but a likely relationship.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Headstone of Wm. Moon in Jones Chapel cemetery

This undated headstone in Jones Chapel cemetery is marked only with the name Wm. M. Moon.
Jones Chapel Baptist Church cemetery is located in Sevier County, TN.
Perhaps this is the headstone for William Moon (born about 1800 and died about 1846) the father of William Mitchell Moon.

William Moon is found in the 1830 Sevier County census, the 1837 Sevier County tax list and the 1840 Sevier County census.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another branch of Ford ancestors

I found this website while looking around:

The descendants of John and Agnes Gentry

I found a connection to my husband's Ford family.
William Patton Ford Sr (1828-1910) son of Henry Ford and Ruth Speer
Ruth Speer (b abt 1785) daughter of Joshua Speer and Ruth Vandeveer
Joshua Speer (1760-1843) son of Andrew Speer Sr and Elizabeth Gentry
Elizabeth Gentry daughter of Joseph Gentry and Agnes Shelton
Joseph Gentry son of Samuel Gentry
Samuel son of Nicholas
Nicholas son of Samuel
Samuel son of Samuel
Samuel son of Simon
Simon son of John Gentry(b abt 1510 in England)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In loving memory

Opal Burnett

Graveside services for Opal Burnett, 96, of Palestine, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 30, 2010 in the Whitehouse Cemetery with Reverend Dwaine Dodd officiating. Mrs. Burnett, 96, of Palestine, was born February 13, 1914 in New Willard, Texas, the daughter of the late Easter J. (McCreary) and Willie S. Caples. She passed away Sunday, March 28, 2010 in a Palestine hospital. Mrs. Burnett was a meticulous homemaker, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She enjoyed gardening and fishing. She loved her church, neighbors and family. She was a member of the Assembly of God Faith. Survivors include her grandchildren, Carol Whittington and husband Ken; great-grandchildren, Chase Calloway and wife Sandie Calloway and Matthew Whittington; daughter-in-law, Bea Maddox; nephew, Everette McGown and wife Alice(Alcie); and a number of other family members. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Burnett was preceded in death by her son, Charles Edward Calloway; grandson, Charles Ray Calloway; granddaughter, Jennifer Whittington; 2 sisters; and 1 brother. Oakley-Metcalf Funeral Home, directors.

She could also make the world's best banana pudding.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

George Washington McCreary

George Washington McCreary

Easter McCreary Caples

Easter Jane McCreary Caples  1885-1954

John Franklin McGown

John Franklin McGown 1838-1911

James Jefferson McGown and Sarah Etta Davidson

James Jefferson McGown and Sarah Etta Davidson

Headstone of John F. McGown

Headstone of John F. McGown in Sabine County, TX.

John F. McGown was rejected for a pension because he deserted from the Confederate Army. He was later court martialed and sentenced.  Served in CSA Pvt, Co F, 11th Tex Infantry.

Headstone of Jefferson McGown and Sarah Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stroud

Headstone of James Jefferson (Jeff) McGown and Sarah Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stroud in Sabine County, TX.