Mitchell Moon heirs, Sevier County, TN, Deeds
Received for registration Dec 16, 1896 at 8 o'clock a.m. and registered the same day. Sam M. Williams Register
State of Tenn., Sevier County, Know all men by these presence that we John Moon, Violet Lindsay of the state of MO, Ira Cattlett and wife Nancy Cattlett, Elijah Cattlett and wife Elzie Cattlett, J.R. Parrott and
wife Eliza A. Parrott, Houston Flinn and wife Martha E. Flinn, Wm.Sims and wife Mary Sims, and James Moon all of whom are body heirsof Mitchel Moon decsd or married into his family do this day quit claim transfer and convey unto Wm. C. Moon his heirs and assigns forever the following described tracts or parcels of land lying in the 15th civilDist. of Sevier County, Tenn., on the waters of Flat Creek and being lot 3 in the division of the said Mitchel Moon farm, and was drawn by the said Wm. C Moon and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in said creek and comes to lot 2 thence down said creek with its meanderings N 36 W 43 to a stake in same, thence N 9 W 8 poles to a stake in same, thence N 47 W 12 poles to a stake in same thence N 43 W 3 poles to a stake in same, thence S 67 1/8 W 623 poles to a stake thence N 87 W 11 poles to a beech thence N 53 1/2 W 203 poles to a stake on the old line, thence S 36 W 14 poles to a rock, S 60 W 80 poles to a stake on lot 2 thence N 77 E 63 poles to a sweet gum, thence S 76 E 13 1/2 poles to a stake thence N 75 E 21 poles to a stake thence N 61 E 12 poles to a beech, thence N 86 E 9 poles to a stake thence N 69 E 17 poles to a stake thence S 52 1/2 E 14 poles to a stake thence N 66 E 50 1/4 poles to the beginning containing by estimation 34 acres more or less. To have and to hold the same to the said Wm. C. Moon his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever excepting the following products off of said land annually : 8 bar. of corn, 2 bar. of wheat, $1.00 in money which goes to help support Mahala Moon widow of said Mitchel Moon Dcsd. during her natural life. A wagon road shall be kept open down Sugar Camp hollow and on down to the ford of the creek for the benefit of the holders of hares on west side of the creek there shall be a wagon road from the ford to lot 4, the fence between lot 3 & 4 which is near or about the line shall be a partnership fence. This March 35th, 1896
M. E. Sims (her mark)
Elzie Cattlet (her mark)
L. A. Parrott ( her mark)
N. M. Cattlett ( her mark)
M E. Flinn (her mark)
J.C. Catlett
W.J.B. Sims
Elijah Catlett
J. R. Parrott
J. T. Moon
J.C. Moon
J.C. Moon, Atty