Monday, November 21, 2016

Searching for Martha Leatherwood, the heir of John Leatherwood

In the estate settlement of Daniel Leatherwood referenced here:, four heirs are listed for his son John who is deceased.  The four heirs of John are Martha Leatherwood, Columbus Leatherwood, John Leatherwood, and Mary Roberts.  I have been unable to find any records of Martha Leatherwood.  I thought perhaps she was the Martha listed in the 1880 census living with Daniel Leatherwood and listed as a daughter, age 10.  But I now believe this is Martha Wilson, daughter of Ellen Leatherwood Wilson and George Wilson.

I found this article that mentions her name: 
This article was posted in the Maryville Times, April 1, 1891.  It can be found on the website Chronicling America