Pictures of headstones are helpful in genealogy research, but not as personal as a picture of the actual person. I hope one day to discover a picture of William Mitchell Moon. William Moon is the father of John C. Moon. That makes him my husband's great great great grandfather. He was born February 22, 1826 and died April 29, 1893. He is buried in Providence Cemetery in Sevierville, TN.
William Moon was married to Mahala Patterson who is also buried in Providence Cemetery. Mahala Patterson was born January 28, 1828 and died June 30, 1907.
William Moon was a Corporal in Co. I of the 2nd TN Cavalry, USA during the Civil War. He applied for a pension due to disability after the war. His son John's affidavit in the pension records states, "I am a son of the said Mahala and William M Moon and was something like 9 or 10 years old when my father enlisted in the war of the Rebellion. I well remember when he went into the war in the fall of 1862 and especially do I remember of his return from the war in 1865. I remember when he came home he complained of his legs hurting him, he also had a dry hacking cough and complained of his breast and complained of headache.... I lived with my father on the farm and in the house with him until I was married. Then I lived on the same farm and close to him until his death. I saw him almost daily now from the time he came home until his death. I don't know what was the immediate cause of his death. I was present and with him almost daily from the time he was taken down until his death. "