These are my grandparents: John Cecil Neal and Nancy Elisabeth Brasuell.
John C. Neal was born April 21, 1891 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and died April 5, 1965 in Austin, Texas. I never met him. He died before I was born. But from what I've been told, he was not held in high regard by those who knew him best.
Nancy Brasuell Neal was born September 28, 1896 in Fort Smith, Arkansas and died June 14, 1990, in Lukfin, Texas. I only remember her being old and feeble. I visited her about once a year - always at a nursing home. But my older sisters have wonderful memories of her.
This picture was taken about the time they were married, January 28, 1912 in Brookston, Texas. Last summer, my sisters and I went to Paris, Texas and found my grandparents original marriage license - the copy they could have picked up at the courthouse after they were married, but never did. My grandparents divorced, later remarried, and then divorced again.
I remember that Granny Neal was always around when I was a little girl. She was a very loving person and had a funny side. She had a favorite "dirty joke" that she like to tell us girls. We would laugh hysterically thinking that we couldn't believe that Granny had just said that. My fondest memory is sitting in church on Sunday next to her and she would hand me and my sister Karen a handkerchief that she had folded to look like twins in a cradle. When my daughter was little, I would do the same for her. I don't think I will ever stop missing her.