Saturday, May 19, 2018

Susannah Moon Scott

This is a timeline of information concerning Susannah Moon Scott born about 1829 in Sevier County, TN.  While this is factual information taken from records, it outlines what appears to be a not so happy story for the life of Susannah and her sister Mary.  I often wonder why Asenith Moon married Tunis Scott.  She must have been duped or in dire straights. 

Susannah Moon is the daughter of William Moon and Asenith.  William Moon dies around 1841.  His widow Asenith remarries to Tunis Scott around 1842 (based on the age of David Scott in 1850).  (Asenith Moon - Sevier County Deeds 1846)

1850 Sevier County, TN Census - Susannah (age 21)  is in the household of Tunis Scott.  William and Asenith Moon's children are all listed here in the Scott family:  Susannah, Mitchel, Mary, Ludema, John, Malissa, James and Elisabeth.  Also listed are children of Tunis Scott and Asenith ( David, Matilda, and William/Wilson), children of Tunis Scott and Susannah (Martha, age 5 and Mary, age 2), and a child of Tunis Scott and Mary Moon (James).  The woman listed as Ceana Scott is probably Asenith.

1851 Susannah Moon deed as an heir of William Moon
1852 Mary Moon deed as an heir of William Moon
1852 William Mitchel Moon deed as an heir of William Moon
1852 Minor heirs of William Moon

Sometime before 1860, Asenith Moon Scott seems to have died.

Tunis Scott purchases land in Fentress County from David Greer.

1860 Fentress County, TN Census - Susannah Scott is in the household of Tunis Scott.  Also listed are the children of Tunis and Asenith (David and Matilda.  William is no longer listed), the children of Tunis Scott and Susannah (Martha, Mary, Zimaniah, Zephaniah, Alexander and Sarah) and Mary Moon with her children most likely by Tunis Scott ( James, John, William, Landon, and infant Spencer). 

Sometime around 1862-1863, Tunis Scott is shot and killed.

1870 Fentress County, TN Census - Susan Scott is listed with children Zimrod (Zimaniah), Jefferson (Zephaniah), Alexander, James, and Napolean. Napolean Scott was born about 1868 and not a child of Tunis Scott.

Mary Moon is listed separately in the 1870 Fentress County Census with her children.

1874 TN Supreme Court Case, John Greer vs. Susan Scott Estate Dispute (see Tennessee Supreme Court Cases)   John Greer regains possession of the property purchased by Tunis Scott.

1880 Fentress County TN Census - A woman named Susan Ford is living with Asa Johnson and a son named Napolean B.  I believe this may be Susannah Moon Scott.  This is the last record I find of Susannah/Susan Moon Scott.  She most likely dies in Fentress County.