Friday, January 6, 2012

Audio of Mamie Cordelia Smith

We've had an old cassette tape for some time of my husband's great great grandmother being interviewed about her family.  I'm not sure who the interviewer is, but the tape was originally recorded in 1959.  What we have is most likely a copy of the original.   Now we've found a way to convert that cassette tape to a mp3 file that we can save and share!   I'm so glad to be able to save such a treasure from being lost if that tape were to become damaged or destroyed.  I've been listening to tapes of my own grandmother also that were made in the 1980s.  Some of them have already been damaged and are almost unusable.  Hopefully we will be able to preserve these and share them with our families.

As you will hear in this clip from the tape, Mamie Cordelia Smith was born in 1875 in Bullock County, Alabama.  Her parents were Jasper William Smith and Dulcena Elizabeth Moss.  This clip is just the beginning of about 30 minutes of dialogue.  She goes on to give the names and birth dates of her children and tell about what her life was like.  If you are interested in hearing the entire tape, let me know. 
Audio of Mamie Cordelia Smith

1 comment:

  1. Got a phone call from my husband's grandmother the other night after she found out about the audio file of her grandmother. She let me know that the interviewer on the tape was Flem Higgins, Jr., her cousin, and a grandson of Mamie Cordelia Smith. Mamie Cordelia Smith married Paul C. Smith. My husband's grandmother is the daughter of their son Milton. Paul and Mamie's daughter, Mayme Smith, married Flem Higgins, Sr. and their son was Flem Jr.
