Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Chronological information about William Moon (1744 PA - 1822 TN) of Sevier County TN and related people

 William Moon of Sevier County TN (1744 PA -1822 TN)

1744 - William Moon born February 22 in PA 
(Birth dates from letter written by William Harvey Moon in 1880 at Norman's Store)

1770 - birth of Jesse Moon son of William Moon (b. 1744)

1773 - birth of Mary Moon daughter of William Moon (b. 1744)

1774 - birth of John Moon son of William Moon (b. 1744)

1777 - birth of Jonas Moon, son of William Moon (b. 1744). 
Birth date from Johnson family bible and Norman’s Store letter dated 1880.

1779 - birth of Sarah Moon, daughter of William Moon (b. 1744)

1782 - death of Sarah Moon daughter of William Moon (b. 1744)

1783 - birth of Joseph Moon son of William Moon (b. 1744) 

1788 - William Moon and his son Jesse signed their names to a
"Petition of Sundry the Inhabitants of French Broad River". 
No Moon appears on the 1783 Greene County tax list, so it seems
William Moon arrived in that area after 1783 and by 1788.

1789 - Will of Samuel Horn, of Greene County, North Carolina (later Tennessee),
of 1 May 1789. Executors were Andrew Horn and John Moon (Jefferson County Wills, 1: 77-78).
Included in the estate inventory was "One debt due the estate of Michael Inggill of Pennsylvania
in the County of Northumberland which the said Samuel Horn decd went to collect...
(Jefferson County Wills, 1: 214-217).

1802 – Power of attorney executed in Cocke County TN signed by seven people
believed to be the children of Catharina Meyer and Johannes (John) Parrot. 
These people are the legatees of Henry Meyer, Catharina’s father. The seven people
are Elizabeth Moon, Mary Shever, John Parrot, Henery Parrot, Barbary Loveday,
George Parrot, Susanna Moon.
Elizabeth Moon first married William Henderson, Sr. They had William, Jr who is named
with his mother as the heirs of Jesse Moon. (information concerning this power of attorney
was obtained from Deborah M S Brown)

Sevier County

1805 - The first record of William Moon (b. 1744)  in Sevier County is in September 1805
when he witnessed and signed the nuncupative will of his eldest son, Jesse Moon. 
Jesse leaves his entire estate to be divided equally between his wife Elizabeth Moon and
William Henderson her son. 

(I learned Nuncupative means that it was stated aloud and transcribed rather than written
because the person is gravely ill or mortally wounded.)

1805 - Jonas Moon in the Paw Paw Baptist Church records, Sevier County

1806 - Jonas Moon 400 acres Knox County, TN - on Knox Co tax list

1807 - On 20 March 1807, William Moon had 385 acres surveyed on the East Fork of the Little
Pigeon River in Sevier County. This land was then granted to him on 6 October 1808 as
Tennessee State Land Grant No. 268 upon payment of the sum of $38.55. 
William Moon, 1808 Sevier County, TN Land Grants, Book 1, page 268
(This land is next to William Henderson’s land).

1807 - On 5 September 1807, Saphire (sic=Sophie) Moon, wife of William Moon, along with
John Moon, Polly Moon and Nathaniel Moon, were received as members by the Forks of the Little
Pigeon Baptist Church in Sevier County....

1811 - William Moon and John Parrott witness the will of Robert Gentry in Jefferson Co, TN
signed 9 May.
Will found in Jefferson Co, TN Wills 1811-1826 Project No 65-44-1466 pg. 9-12

1812 - Jonas Moon and wife Lydia received by letter Little Pigeon Baptist Church, Sevier County

1813 – William Moon, Jonas Moon, John Moon, Samuel Moon and Jasper Moon signed a
Petition from Residents of French Broad and Holston Country Regarding Indebtedness

1820 – Sevier County TN manufacturing census lists a John Moon as operating a still

1821 - In November 1821, the Forks of the Little Pigeon Baptist Church decided to hold future
meetings at the homes of various members. Included was the home of William Moon.
Though he was not a member of the church, his wife and children were.

1822 - William Moon (1744) died 28 April 1822 presumably in Sevier County.
A grave in Jones Cemetery marked with the name "Wm. M. Moon" and no dates may be his.
Buried in the same cemetery is Ben Manning who was also a signatory of the 1788
Greene County petition. this could also be the headstone of his grandson William Moon.

1824 - The Minutes of the Forks of the Little Pigeon Baptist Church of July 1824 record that
"Brother John Moon and wife came and informed the church that he has difficulty with his brother
Jonas Moon in the division of his father's estate.”

1825 - In February 1825 the Forks of the Little Pigeon Baptist Church minutes report that
"A report of committee to report of settled difficulty between brothers Jonas and John Moon.
Bro. Rogers arose and reported for the committee that the said brothers came to a mutual
settlement of their differences.”

1826 - Roane County TN, Jonas and wife in minutes of Prospect Church

1827 – Sevier County TN land grant 45A to John Moon

1830 – Sevier County TN census John Moon age 50-60, wife age 50-60, a female age 90-100,
4 girls ages 5-10, 1 girl age 15-20 and 1 girl age 20-30.

1830 - Roane County TN census Jonas Moon age 50-60, wife age 50-60, 2 boys age 5-10,
2 boys age 10-15, 1 girl age 15-20

1831 - Loudon County TN, Jonas Moon in Prospect Baptist church records

1836 - Jonas Moon sells land in Roane County TN

1837 – Sevier County TN tax list district 4.  John Moon is not listed and is presumed to have died. 
His widow Susannah is listed with John’s property.  Their son William Moon is also listed.

1839 - Jonas Moon buys land in Hamilton County TN

1840 - Hamilton County TN - Jonas Moon has migrated to Hamilton County.

1849 - death of Jonas Moon son of William (b. 1744)

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